
Friday, June 15, 2012

Beautiful Boy...

To see you to come of age,
But I guess we'll both,
Just have to be patient,
Yes it's a long way to go,
But in the meantime,
Before you cross the street,
Take my hand,
Life is just what happens to you,
While you're busy making other plans.
-Taken from "Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)" by John Lennon 

FYI: This post is going to be purely about Angus.
I had a moment yesterday. The idea that my oldest child will be starting school this September all of a sudden, seemed so...permanent. Seasoned parents have always said that time really flies, but this was my first experience with time truly slipping through my fingers. I really am lucky to be able to say that out of anyone on the planet, the person with whom I've spent the most time in the past 5 years has been my first-born. He has watched me grow into a parent, and I have watched (and hopefully helped) him grow from infant to toddler, and we're now in the midst of boyhood. What a blessing to have such a healthy, happy and very curious boy!
Another very poignant piece of advice from seasoned parents has been that parenthood (among other things) is a series of 'letting go' moments - right from day one. He is definitely ready to start school, both intellectually, and socially. I just don't know that I am. As I sit here writing this - tears streaming down my face - I can only imagine the bittersweet emotion that will follow at each upcoming milestone that I may, or may not, be a part of. So far, we've been able to share in all of his firsts...sitting up, crawling, walking, talking, swimming, running, riding a bike, reading, writing...amazing! And although I wouldn't say I'm a helicopter parent*, there has been a certain element of protectiveness over him (especially since he is our first). Come September, for the majority of the daytime hours, that will be gone. He starts to make his own friends, is responsible for his own accomplishments, and will have to solve his own conflicts. He does that at home, too, but this will just be...different.
Don't worry - this particular display of emotion is not something Angus sees. He does see me excited and eager and enthusiastic (what other "e" emotions can I come up with?) for his new adventure. This is simply (actually, it seems anything but simple to me!) another parenting rite of passage. Come September 4th (or 5th...whatever the first day of school will be), Angus and I will put our brave faces on and cross another new bridge together. And I will relish in the fact that it will still be okay to give/receive big hugs and kisses from his mum! Day two may be a different story...
Until next time, consider yourself "In the Know(les)"...

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