
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Riding the crest...

For those of you who know me well, you know that I love steel drums. If I'm down and need a pick-me-up, I don't (always) turn to wine, or (frequently) binge on chocolate...I turn to those bad boys right there (look 2 lines up). How can ANYONE maintain a state of melancholy when you hear the music coming from a set of steel drums? So, as you read the remainder of this post, please listen to my imaginary steel drum orchestra...

I am so loving life right now.You know, the silver-lining, happy, smiley, positive person that you may or may not want to punch in the throat?  For the past week, I have been/embody that person. If someone had sat me down and told me how the first quarter of 2013 would unfold for me, I would never have imagined being so blessed (don't say I didn't warn you). I rang in the new year consuming an oyster shot (look it up), dancing my heart out and singing off-key with some of my closest friends. To date, I have traveled to Florida (a surprise from BD for my birthday) where my Mum met us and we shopped and toured around; one of my cousins (bassist for the Tenors) came into town on tour and comped me and one of my best friends with tickets to the show; said-friend and I tried sweet meats for the first time (gross, but an experience we will take to the grave); I celebrated my birthday going out to dinner and dancing with some of my closest girlfriends; I fulfilled my New Years resolution (learn to crochet) thanks to the teachings from another good friend who took the time to teach me; I watched BB#1 & 2 have fun participating in their first formal running race together (my love and passion for pretty much my entire life); another one of my best friends bought me a ticket to a fundraiser where we met one of our favourite actors from our FAVOURITE television shows (Kim Coates)...and the list goes on and on! I've genuinely connected and made several new friends just this year, started running again, and am joining a new running club this spring, one of my best friends and I are realizing our collective dream of starting our own business, and MOST, MOST, MOST importantly, I have a great family! The 6 of us are exactly what I am building - a tight-knit family unit who are respectful of one another but also have the freedom to yell, cry, laugh or hug anytime we so choose....the universe is smitten with me right now, and I am smitten right back!

I don't recall ever being in such a state of awareness of the gifts I've received, but I am open and receiving and loving every minute! Just don't punch me in the throat next time you see me...I may just laugh at you and say, "I hope that made you feel better!" 

Steel drums finis.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Happy" New Year?

I have an annual tradition of asking people (only on NYE) two things: what was the best part of (insert current year), and what was the worst? In my family, there was death, disease, and dissolution, so I actually didn't ask everyone what the worst part was - I already knew. Interestingly though, people had to think about the best thing that happened. Like really think about it. I'm not just talking about one or two people, either. Multiple people. MULTIPLE!! Some people changed the subject, redirected back to me, or told me they'd have to get back to me. I was/am/will continue to be stunned. Was 2012 really that bad? I know each year has its ups and downs, but so many downs that a favourite moment cannot be recollected? Keep in mind, I was not soliciting answers from the cancer ward at our local hospital, nor was I standing outside of Souls Harbour Rescue Mission. I was asking people from ages 32 to 87. People who are middle to upper-middle class. This is not a good commentary on my demographic.

Has our society become simpatico with Facebook where moments can only be validated by other people giving them the "thumbs up"? Or are people measuring themselves against other serial fb posters who would lead us to believe that they are living the best life imaginable. Every. Single. Effing. Day. (Yes, it's very nice that you have a fully homemade breakfast ready for your family and neighbours each morning, while listening to your children recite the Pythagorean Theorem in English, German, Cantonese and Zulu, after which you send a care package of knitted booties toward the plight of the Tibetan Mountain Goats who are suffering from cold hooves). It's not real. I can only hope that majority of people are not using others as their own measuring stick.

Was it all the sad news that came to be in December? The Newtown Massacre, the Japanese earthquake, the fiscal cliff crisis? Sad news a little closer to home, perhaps? Again, I have no answer.

No doubt, 2012 wasn't without its challenges, but let's not allow that to have any bearing on 2013. I challenge you to keep a running list of the good stuff that happens to you this year. Grab a Ziploc baggie, or a jar, whatever. Each time something good happens to you, or something makes your day brighter, write it down, fold up the little piece of paper and put it in your baggie/box/drawer. At the end of the year, re-read the entire bunch of good stuff that's happened to you. You'll likely be amazed. Perhaps grateful. At the very least, you'll have an answer when I ask you the same question in 363 days.

My best moment: Birth of our daughter
My worst moment: read previous blog entry

Happy New Year!